Ep. 43 - Death Stranding & Hardywood Park Craft Brewery
Holy Kojima on crack, this storyline! Featuring Norman Reedus and the baby fetus, here we are with episode 43 bringing you a couple of brews from Richmond Virginia and pairing those with Kojima Production's Death Stranding, featuring the famous Norman Reedus, and several other familiar faces. Also a big first going with practically a Sony exclusive until the recent PC port.
Death Stranding - https://deathstrandingpc.505games.com/
Hardywood Park Craft Brewery Pils - https://hardywood.com/beer/pils/
Hardywood Park Craft Brewery Richmond Dark Lager - https://untappd.com/b/hardywood-park-craft-brewery-richmond-dark-lager/3314111
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A big shout out to Chad Hammontree for the podcast artwork. See more of his amazing work at https://chadhdesign.com/
Intro & Outro Music - In Reverse by Harris Heller - https://www.streambeats.com/